Zehaal-e Miskeen Makun Taghaful

This poem has been written by Amir Khusro (امیر خسرو) (a mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya) in two languages which are Persian and Brij Bhasha. Brij Bhasha is a Dehaati Zabaan (country tongue) and a dialect of Hindi. The first line is in Persian, the second in Brij Bhasha and so on. The poem … [Read more…]
Socrates’ Death

Socrates was accused of “refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state” and of “corrupting the youth”. He sentenced to die by drinking poison hemlock. At the time of death, Socrates was 70 years old. He was given the opportunity to suggest his own punishment and could probably have avoided death by recommending exile. Instead, the Greek … [Read more…]